paranormal vampire fantasy

paranormal vampire fantasy* paranormal vampire fantasy* paranormal vampire fantasy

Greetings everyone!

This is my first blog post and I welcome you all. I hope that with my work I can entertain you and give you a good reading experience. I'd like to release to you now the first post from my book "Serenity Incident." A book part of the Dead Path Chronicles series. Enjoy the read and I hope it pleases you....

Alamptria was filled with hoodlums, gangsters, and mercenaries, who found their gratification in putting terror into the hearts of men and woman. Little could be done about the growing epidemic, but a great power arose from the fortress of Petoshine, where the great elf wizard Grongone will bestowed the power of the vim to a young knight who would fight the monstrosities of the great land. Alamptria will be fortunate to have this freedom protector and a safer united kingdom would be asset. It was the Seaton brothers – Dragus and Andromin who would be gifted the power of the claymore after Caprius. Caprius would distance himself from the vim. His ambitions would be toward making his fiancĂ© happy and gifting her with his love. But the power of the vim surrounded him. It consumed him. And the great Golden fleece, had foreseen a great knight of ultimate power. He would lead the knight masters to freedom upon the lands of Alamptria. It would be Caprius Seaton and his off spring that would defeat the dark lord Makoor. The dark underworld had now awakened and their eyes were set to transform the people of Elysium, Koriston and others cities to the world of the undead. The dark lord now set forth his attack of Vampires and Goncools upon the lands. He also sensed the growing power of Caprius Seaton. He posed a great threat for the dark underworld, and sent out his henchmen to destroy the Seaton knight before he embraces the Vim of Petoshine. This is the story of Caprius Seaton. Let me tell you a tale… once, in a land called Alamptria.

to be continued.

If you enjoyed this excerpt, you can purchase the Serenity Incident book on Amazon. Serenity Incident is the second book published in the Dead Path Chronicles series, it is a prequel to the first book, Quantum Heights. Both Serenity Incident and Quantum Heights have received rave reviews and are on sale now. Take your leisure and enjoy the continuing saga of the Dead Path Chronicles series; a thrilling paranormal vampire fantasy. Enjoy Serenity Incident.

You can go to Amazon here...

thank-you and talk to you soon!
